Sylvia是我初到美國認識的姐妹。她在2005年的32歲生日前夕,被診斷出乳癌,在那之前她經歷了剛拿到H-1 兩天就被被無故裁員的打擊,靠著打零工度日,後來結了婚後,終於得到蘋果電腦賞識,有了一份好工作。正當美好的一切開始的時候,她被診斷出二期乳癌,同時在台灣的父親也病倒。


Sylvia的3 day web page Sylvia的三天健走- 為乳癌病人募款網站

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Update: 9/2/07

Today I met a lady at the gym who is also a breast cancer survivor. She told me she didn't have medical insurance at that time of diagnosis. Susan G. Komen foundation paid for her ultrasound and mammogram. How inspiring to hear that!

今天去運動的時候,我遇到了一個同是戰勝乳癌的女士。她告訴我,當年她被診斷時沒有醫療保險,是Susan G. Komen基金會付了她的超音波跟乳房X光攝影片的檢查費用。這真是激勵人心的話啊!


I used to look like the picture on the left!!! 3 surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and many Tamoxifen pills after, I am still me but with 30+ lbs!!! (The picture on the right was taken when I was bald from chemo.)

左邊是我以前的照片。經過了三個手術,化療,放射線治療,和許多抗雌激素的藥片,我還是我,只是增加了30磅! (右邊的照片是我化療頭髮掉光的照片)

For those who don't know, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2005 at age 32. It came out of the blue. No family history, not in any risk groups. Facing death at a young age really sucks! I hate this disease. It shortened my youth and took away my ability to have children. Not to mention losing a part of my body and having to move my back muscle permanently. I don't want my friends, my family, or anyone really having to go through what I have gone through. Unfortunately, there are so many women continuously being diagnosed with this dreadful disease everyday! But I have hope that we will find a cure! Every step, every penny, every hug, and every prayer is given, we know we are one step closer to a cure.

給那些不認我的人: 我32歲時,在2005的十二月被診斷出乳癌。我沒有家族病史,也不是任何高危險群,完全不知道這怎麼會降臨在我身上。年輕的時候就要面對死亡的感覺真的很糟。我討厭這個病,不但折損我的青春,也奪走我擁有孩子的權利,更別說要失去我ㄧ部分的身體,還有一部份的背部肌肉。我不希望我的朋友,親人或是任何人再經歷我所經歷過的。不幸的是,這世界上,每天還是有很多病人被診斷出這可怕的疾病。但我有這個期盼,在將來這病會有解藥!! 每一個步伐,每一分錢,每一個擁抱,還有每一個禱告,我們都知道我們離康復又近了一步。

My mother-in-law and sister-in-law did the walk last year. Honestly I didn't like it in the beginning at all. I felt if they were going to raise $2,000+ to do the walk, they might as well just give me the money!!! I didn't feel like doing anything with it. My mother-in-law wanted me to send her 3-Day web page to my friends and co-workers, I didn't do it once. I didn't even mention it to anyone. I didn't even want to go to Dallas to support them. My husband got VERY mad at me. He couldn't understand how I felt and thought I was ungrateful. I was in denial. I was learning how to be a cancer survivor. I wanted to put it all behind me and have a normal life. But it is not possible.

我的婆婆跟小姨去年參加了這個健走募款活動。老實說,我之前不喜歡這個主意。我覺得他們如果要募捐2000塊錢去健走,還不如把錢給我好了! 我不想對這健走做任何事情,即使我婆婆要我寄她的募款網站給我的朋友還有同事,我也沒有做,我連提都沒有提。我連去Dallas支持這健走都不想去。我先生對我非常生氣,他不了解我的感覺,認為我實在不知道感激。我心中非常抗拒。我當時正在學習如何當個癌症存活者。我真想把一切拋開當個正常人,可是這是不可能的事情。

I finally decided to go and I am glad I did.

後來我終於決定去Dallas, 我真的很高興我這樣決定。

It was AMAZING to see the whole Dallas/Ft. Worth downtown area painted in pink. The energy and support from the walkers, the volunteers, the audience were truly AMAZING!! Most people cried when they reached the finish line. The closing ceremony was full of joy, pride, love, and hope.

整個Dallas/Ft. Worth downtown都被裝飾成粉紅色。支持者的活力,還有健走的人,義工,還有觀眾都讓人不可思議!! 大部分的人,到終點的時候都哭了。結束典禮充滿了喜悅、榮耀、愛、還有希望。

Please support me as I take an amazing journey in the fight against breast cancer! The Breast Cancer 3-Day is a 60-mile walk over the course of three days. Net proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust, funding important breast cancer research, education, screening, and treatment.

請支持我這次參加這個對抗乳癌的活動! 這是一個三天之內走完60英哩的健走,所得收入全給Susan G. Komen基金會以及國家慈善信託,做乳癌研究、教育、篩選和醫療之用。

Everyone who donates to my 3-Day page, I will carry a card with your names on it during the entire 60 miles walk to honor you.

    創作者 小秋媽 的頭像


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